Canadian’s Guide to USA: Visa-Free Travel

Canadian’s Guide to USA: Visa-Free Travel

As a Canadian visitor, you are entitled to a generous stay of up to six months per visit in the USA. This period is designed to accommodate a variety of short-term activities, primarily leisure and family visits. It’s essential to plan your travel dates carefully to ensure they align with this six-month window, as overstaying can lead to complications in future travels to the United States.

How do I import my vehicle on a TN Visa or L-1 Visa?
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How do I import my vehicle on a TN Visa or L-1 Visa?

Under agreements between the United States and Canada, Canadians are permitted to tour in the USA without USA license plates or USA driver’s permits. For Canadians working in the USA on a TN Visa or an L-1 Visa, you may have a vehicle that you would like to bring with you. Here’s how to comply with the importation requirements with US Customs & Border Protection (CBP).

Understanding TN Visas for Canadian Business Professionals

Understanding TN Visas for Canadian Business Professionals

While Canadian citizens generally enjoy visa-exempt status for visits to the United States, there are instances, especially for business professionals, where a TN Visa becomes necessary. Discover the conditions that may warrant a TN Visa, including offers of employment from US entities and service arrangements with US-based employers. Ensure compliance with USCMA regulations for a smooth temporary work experience in the US.

Choosing Between the TN and H-1B Visa: For Canadians
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Choosing Between the TN and H-1B Visa: For Canadians

The visa process is the first step toward working in the United States for Canadian citizens seeking employment opportunities. Among the many visa options, the TN and H-1B visas stand out for professionals. This guide offers a comparison of these options.