US Work visas for Canadians

As a Canadian citizen eyeing opportunities in the United States, understanding the intricacies of the U.S. work visa landscape is paramount. While the Canada-U.S. relationship eases the process, securing the proper work visa remains pivotal. We cover many U.S. work visas available for Canadian citizens, ensuring you make informed choices based on your job description and qualifications.

  1. TN-1 Visa Status for Canadian Citizens –Under the U.S.-Canada-Mexico Agreement (USMCA), eligible Canadian business professionals can secure TN-1 visa status, enabling them to work in the United States. This visa covers 63 professional categories, including engineering, science, teaching, and medical professions. The TN-1 visa is ideal for Canadians who have received job contracts or offers from U.S. employers, allowing them to live and work in the U.S. for up to three years with the possibility of an extension. The application process is straightforward, typically requiring proof of Canadian citizenship, a job offer from a U.S. employer, and evidence that the position falls under one of the approved professional categories.
  2. H-1B Visas for Canadians – H-1B visas are tailored for specialized occupations requiring at least a 4-year degree or equivalent professional experience, making them a popular choice for professionals in fields like IT, engineering, healthcare, and finance. This visa allows Canadian citizens to work in the U.S. for an initial period of up to three years, with the possibility of an extension. However, it’s important to be mindful of the annual cap on H-1B visas, currently at 85,000, including 20,000 reserved for those with advanced degrees from U.S. institutions. Due to the high demand, a lottery system allocates these visas, making early planning crucial. Applicants should prepare their documentation well and work closely with their prospective U.S. employers to ensure timely submission during the application window.
  3. L-1 Visas for Canadian Citizens – L-1 visas for Canadian citizens are an excellent option for employees of companies with branches or affiliates in both Canada and the United States, facilitating inter-company transfers. This visa is specifically designed for executives, managers, and employees with specialized knowledge crucial to the company’s operations. To qualify, the employee must have worked for the company for at least one continuous year within the past three years in a qualifying role. The L-1 visa allows these individuals to transfer to a U.S. branch, subsidiary, or affiliate to continue their work. The initial duration of stay for an L-1 visa holder is typically three years, with the possibility of extensions of up to seven years for managers and executives and up to five years for those with specialized knowledge.
  4. O-1 Visas for Canadians of Extraordinary Ability – The O-1 visa is designed for Canadians who demonstrate extraordinary ability or achievement in their field, making it an attractive option for highly accomplished individuals. This visa category includes professionals in the sciences, arts, education, business, and athletics and those with notable achievements in the motion picture or television industry. To qualify, applicants must provide evidence of sustained national or international acclaim, such as awards, memberships in elite associations, significant contributions to their field, or published material about their work. The O-1 visa allows Canadians to work in the U.S. temporarily, usually for an initial period of up to three years, with the possibility of extensions based on the duration of their project or employment.
  5. E-1 Visas for Canadian Businesses and Professionals – The E-1 visa is specifically designed for Canadian businesses and professionals primarily engaged in substantial trade with the United States. To qualify, applicants must demonstrate that more than 50% of their international trade, excluding trade with Canada, is conducted with the U.S. This trade can include goods, services, banking, insurance, transportation, tourism, technology, and other international exchanges. The E-1 visa is ideal for business owners, executives, and essential employees who are critical in maintaining the trade relationship. Applicants must provide documentation such as trade receipts, invoices, contracts, and other evidence of continuous and significant trade activities. The visa allows Canadians to stay in the U.S. for an initial period of up to five years, with unlimited extensions in five-year increments as long as the trade relationship continues.
  6. E-2 Visas for Canadian Investors – The E-2 visa is designed for Canadian investors who make significant financial investments in U.S. businesses, contributing to economic growth and job creation for U.S. workers. To qualify, Canadian investors must demonstrate that they have invested, or are in the process of investing, a substantial amount of capital in a bona fide enterprise in the United States. This capital should be sufficient to ensure the successful operation of the business, generally considered to be at least several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the industry. The investment must also generate jobs for U.S. workers or have the potential to do so. Applicants must provide evidence of their investment through documentation such as bank statements, contracts, and business plans. The E-2 visa allows investors and their spouses and children under 21 to live and work in the U.S. The initial stay is for up to five years, with the possibility of unlimited extensions in five-year increments, as long as the investment enterprise remains operational and the investor maintains the requisite level of involvement. 
  7. EB-2 NIW Option for Canadians – The EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) visa is an excellent option for Canadian professionals with exceptional abilities or advanced degrees. It can demonstrate that their work is in the national interest of the United States. Unlike other employment-based visas, the EB-2 NIW does not require a job offer or labor certification, making it an attractive choice for highly skilled Canadians. To qualify, applicants must show that their work has substantial merit and national importance, that they are well-positioned to advance their proposed endeavor, and that granting the waiver would benefit the U.S. For instance, professionals in science, technology, healthcare, and business who can prove their work will positively impact the U.S. economy, healthcare system, environment, or education may be strong candidates. Applicants must provide a detailed personal statement, evidence of their qualifications, and letters of recommendation from experts in their field. The EB-2 NIW visa allows Canadians to live and work permanently in the U.S., providing a pathway to a green card and, eventually, U.S. citizenship.


In conclusion, Canadian citizens have various options when seeking to work in the United States, each tailored to specific professional needs and qualifications. Understanding these visa categories—ranging from the TN-1 for professionals under USMCA, the H-1B for specialized occupations, the L-1 for inter-company transfers, the O-1 for extraordinary abilities, to the E-1 and E-2 for traders and investors—ensures informed decision-making and successful applications. Additionally, the EB-2 NIW offers a pathway for those whose work benefits the national interest, providing an avenue to permanent residency and eventual citizenship. Speak with one of our experienced immigration lawyers to explore your options.

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