TN visas, designed for professionals from Canada and Mexico, have been vital to the US workforce. However, there has been a noticeable increase in TN visa denials for Mexican professionals recently. This blog explores the reasons behind the denials, the impact on the pork industry, and practical steps to improve your chances of approval.

Recent Trends in TN Visa Denials

Recent reports indicate a significant rise in TN visa denials for Mexican professionals, causing concern across various sectors. Industries that heavily depend on skilled labor from Mexico, such as the pork industry, are particularly affected. This trend may result in labor shortages and disruptions in production, highlighting the need for affected businesses to explore alternative solutions. The increased denials underscore the importance of understanding current visa policies and seeking expert guidance to navigate the complexities of the immigration process.

Impact on the Pork Industry

The pork industry heavily relies on skilled Mexican professionals for critical roles, including veterinarians, animal scientists, and quality control experts. Increased TN visa denials could lead to significant disruptions in operations, affecting the industry’s productivity and efficiency. These professionals are essential for maintaining animal health, ensuring high-quality standards, and optimizing production processes. A shortage of qualified workers may result in slower production times, increased costs, and potential challenges in meeting market demands. The industry must consider these impacts and seek strategies to mitigate the possible adverse effects of visa denials.

Reasons Behind Increased Denials

Several factors contribute to the rising TN visa denials:

  • Stricter Immigration Policies: Recent changes in U.S. immigration policy have led to more rigorous scrutiny of visa applications.
  • Documentation Issues: Incomplete or incorrectly filed applications are more likely to be denied.
  • Misunderstanding of Job Titles: TN visas require specific job titles; discrepancies can result in denials.

Steps to Improve Approval Chances

To increase your chances of TN visa approval:

  • Thorough Documentation: Ensure all required documents are complete and accurate.
  • Clear Job Descriptions: Use precise job titles that match the TN visa’s eligible professions list.
  • Consider a Change of Status: Those with B visas or Border crossing cards can enter the US and then change their status to a TN visa with USCIS, avoiding consular issues.
  • Legal Assistance: Consider hiring an immigration lawyer to review your application.


TN visa applications can be challenging, especially with increasing denial rates. Understanding the reasons behind denials and taking proactive steps can improve your chances of securing a TN visa and contribute to the thriving U.S. pork industry. Consulting an immigration attorney is highly recommended.

Schedule a Consultation with an Immigration Lawyer


We Can Help!

If you have questions regarding TN visa requirements, We invite you to contact our team at Richards and Jurusik for detailed guidance and assistance. We aim to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information to make your immigration process smoother and less stressful. The immigration lawyers at Richards and Jurusik have decades of experience helping people to work and live in the United States. Read some of our hundreds of 5-star client reviews! Contact us today to assess your legal situation.

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